Day 23 – C3 in progress… (A6, B1, C1)


Two days left and I have to hurry! The new jacket needs to get ready for this project’s 25th day. No time to waste!

Here are some progress images of my work today. The jacket is made in the same denim material and stitching color as my B2 Jeans, so I will end up having a compleat set. Here you can also see a clear view of all the counter seams, both from front and behind. Read more

Day 22 – Washing! Part 2. (A6, B2, C1)


So what about larger items then? Can they be hand-washed too? Yes of course! Let’s try it!

For Washing! Part 1, look over here.

Chapter 1 – Washing denim.

Do remember that a machine-washer don’t necessarily wash garments better than you do. It’s all about that a machine can repeat in higher intensity, which not always is a good thing. Over-washing is a common problem with our day-to-day wear, which often wears out the garments far too quick. So with having said that, let’s start! Read more

Day 16 – Teach. Make. Be. (A3, B1, C2)


Chapter 1 – Teach.

Got these images refreshed for me this weekend. It’s from one of my former student’s work – actually it’s a part of his exam project at my academy. His name is Torbjörn Bergström. I think the garments are so beautiful and a perfect example of well cut and crafted tailoring. The inspiration was Art Deco and the model’s name is Mille. The pictures are from around the turn of the century. Read more

Day 15 – Can mathematics be creative? (A5, B1, C1)


5-1-1…? Or should I take 3-2-2…? How many times did I really wear that favorite ice-wash jacket? Will I really wear each garment exactly 100 times?

So many questions! I suddenly felt things was getting a bit confusing and difficult this morning, trying to keep track on both garments and combinations in the Thousand Days Of Hope And Glory project. Not to wear the same combination more than once for 1.000 days wasn’t all that easy-breezy after all. It was high time to make a list! Read more

Day 10 – Fresh ‘n’ fade. (A5, B2, C1)


Some things are fresh ‘n’ white, others fade slowly. The keeping of some things tidy, and the letting-go of other items while enjoying its roughness, has always been fascinating to me. Why do we treasure that some things look older, when we at the same time want other things to look brand new? Read more