Day 23 – C3 in progress… (A6, B1, C1)


Two days left and I have to hurry! The new jacket needs to get ready for this project’s 25th day. No time to waste!

Here are some progress images of my work today. The jacket is made in the same denim material and stitching color as my B2 Jeans, so I will end up having a compleat set. Here you can also see a clear view of all the counter seams, both from front and behind. Read more

Day 19 – Shirts and deadlines. (A3, B2, C2)


Time is running out. It’s time to make decisions! And work hard.

Chapter 1 – Finishing up!

Closing projects can sometimes be just as difficult as starting them. Actually often just plain hard! It’s not easy to say, this is it! – I’m done. Especially if you are the one making that specific decision. Read more

Day 18 – Do you have time enough? (A2, B2, C2)


Timing your work can be extremely stressful. Do you add some extra time to make it perfect, do you just stop and accept the result, or do you distribute the time at hand for a more even process?

Chapter 1 – The Project’s dilemma.

Mathematical projects can be so unemotional. You make a plan. You follow the rules. Success is then within reach. How hard can it be? Enter, feelings. Read more