Tailoring needs endurance, planning and patience – lots of it!


Sometimes making a tailored garment will make you feel like you’re absolutely preparing for a marathon. Same routine every day! Hours and hours invested in building up that good solid foundation. And still, every step has to be taken with caution; How will I preform today? Are there things that will effect my efforts in a good or bad way? Will I be interrupted? Can I fully control everything around me, including me myself? No, of course I cannot – control everything around me. But at least I can give it my best try! Read more

Why Haute Couture infused luxury brands could be harmful to your creativity.


We are meant to believe that luxury fashion brands are the highest level of craft. Or design. Or maybe both. We are also in some way lead to believe that these brands suffer – that there aren’t enough customers to keep them going. That they need to cut down on craftsmanship. I think this story constantly told, and believed, could be harmful to your own creativity. Why? Let me try to explain. Read more

What is a sewing machine? (And why should I care?)


Most people don’t have one nowadays. But maybe your parents or grandparents had one? What did they do with it, and why don’t we use them anymore?

A sewing machine is actually a wonderful thingy used for stitching your individuality and comfort together with. Just like that. Individuality and comfort. And also, a method to accept that you are more interesting (and important) than a concept someone far far away decided to impose on you. Read more